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interface GuildScheduledEventEditOptions


Omit<Partial<GuildScheduledEventCreateOptions>, 'channel' | 'recurrenceRule'>
export interface GuildScheduledEventEditOptions<Status extends GuildScheduledEventStatus, AcceptableStatus extends GuildScheduledEventSetStatusArg<Status>,> extends Omit<Partial<GuildScheduledEventCreateOptions>, 'channel' | 'recurrenceRule'>

Options used to edit a guild scheduled event.

Type Parameters

AcceptableStatus extends GuildScheduledEventSetStatusArg<Status>

channel? : GuildVoiceChannelResolvable | null

The channel of the guild scheduled event

description : string

The description of the guild scheduled event

The entity metadata of the guild scheduled event This can be modified only if entityType of the GuildScheduledEvent to be edited is GuildScheduledEventEntityType.External

The scheduled entity type of the event

The cover image of the guild scheduled event

name : string

The name of the guild scheduled event

The privacy level of the guild scheduled event

reason : string

The reason for editing the guild scheduled event

The recurrence rule of the guild scheduled event

scheduledEndTime : DateResolvable

The time to end the event at

scheduledStartTime : DateResolvable

The time to schedule the event at

status? : AcceptableStatus

The status of the guild scheduled event